Sunday, April 1, 2012

April's Fools

So April's Fools came, and like I expected, I did not get matched yet again. :(




Of course I got matched! ;) I am super excited for this new path in my journey to become a RD! I feel like creating this blog combined with the AAI DI Bootcamp directed my focus to complete my applications successfully and lead me to the successful match!

I received my 3rd choice for my match. My co-worker got matched to her #1 choice, so I am super happy for her as well!

And my location is, the home of the blues & rock and roll. Elvis town. As my co-workers say, the heart of the obesity epidemic; ribs, ribs and ribs.


University of Memphis in Memphis, TN.

When does it start? This upcoming August.

For how long? Through December of next year.

What type of program? Combined MS/DI.

Bring it on. :)

Thank you very much for my family, friends and readers for your continued support! For applicants who also applied during this round, I hope you got matched successfully! If you haven't, please participate in second round matching right now! There are many new opportunities available like never before, including ISPPs and graduate school and DI combined programs.

Of course, I will continue blogging about dietetics and my program, as well as more dietetic internship application tips. I look forward to share my new dietetic adventures with you.