About Me

I am an aspiring RD (registered dietitian). In June 2009, I graduated from University of California, Davis with B.A. Communication and B.S. Clinical Nutrition. I applied for both the 2009 and 2010 February matching rounds, with unsuccessful results twice.

Double majoring was a very challenging yet enlightening experience for me. I successfully graduated in 4 years by taking 20+ units for most of my quarters, I participated in interesting extracurricular activities, and I gained helpful internship and work experiences. My foodie passion led to founding Cooking Club, and my notable paid internships included a NACUFS foodservice management internship and a USDA research internship. Moreover, my DPD program director and professors were very supportive during both matching rounds. Unfortunately, my internship application packet was just not enough, and receiving the rejection twice has not shot down my optimistic hopes (at least not yet, just kidding!). It makes me view the application process more realistically.

I hope to share my tips and experiences of going through the application process my past two times, and I plan on doing it all again for the upcoming April 2012 match! :) (Did and done!) I did not apply to the 2011 match, because I wanted to gain some more clinical nutrition experience before reapplying again. I worked full-time as a dietetic assistant, and I hoped this work experience will boost the competitiveness of my DI application.

My goals in the next few years are to complete a Dietetic Internship and become a Registered Dietitian. I strive to be an independent nutrition consultant to counsel individuals and groups on disease care and prevention through healthy dietary habits. I also strive to communicate how to eat delicious yet healthy foods by incorporating the right ingredients to the lay public through various media platforms, from print to digital.

This blog is a community for fellow degreed nutritionists who are part of the 50%+ unmatched applicants to dietetic internships. If you're interested in dietetics career opportunities that don't require the RD, if you're reapplying to the DIs for the second or third time, if you have an undying passion to communicate food in holistic health, if your biggest dream is to be a dietitian... join the conversation. :) Let's wish for the RD together!