Saturday, January 28, 2012

It's almost the end of January!

I'm feeling like this right now...

How are everyone's DI apps so far? :) More accomplished than I am, I hope!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Finding a Mentor

I decided to contact one of my favorite dietitians, Ellie Krieger, through her website to see if she was willing to allow me to assist her with any of her projects. There's no harm trying right?

Well, here is how it turned out:

On Sun, Jan 15, 2012 at 12:05 PM, <> wrote:

Comments:: Happy New Year Ellie! I am a prospective dietetic internship applicant; I graduated from University of California, Davis with dual degrees in Communication and Clinical Nutrition. I love your approach to healthy food and nutrition and your career (very hooked on "So Easy"), and I was wondering if you can give me any advice on what types of experiences I can gain now to go into your similar field. I would also like to offer my free assistance in anything you need through the Internet, such as social media, your blog, and even testing recipes. Thank you very much for your time, and I look forward to hear from you.

Please enter the code above: : 6fe6dd6

Hi Christy,

Thanks so much for your email. One suggestion is to join some of the Dietetic Practice Groups offered through the Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics specifically Nutrition Entrepreneurs ( and Dietitians in Business & Communication ( Both have ListServs where you can gain much knowledge for fellow RDs and dietetic students in the field.

Unfortunately, I do not need an assistant at this time but thank you so much for your kind offer.


Alright, time to look for another dietetic mentor. :) Jenny Westerkamp of All Access Internships has said through her webinars that she found her sports internship and current job through e-mailing a dietitian, so I thought I might try it too! Do you have any suggestions on creating your own internship/finding your dietetic mentor?

Sunday, January 15, 2012

How to Improve your Chances

I must correct how I say ADA, it's AND (Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics) now. AND posted "Suggestions to Improve Your Chances at Getting a Dietetic-Internship Position" for current DPD students and unmatched applicants. Suggestions include:

1) Meeting above the min. requirements for GPA & GRE (if required).

- DIs primarily request a min. 3.0 GPA, but competitive applicants bring a much higher GPA than that.

- Retake classes if needed to increase your GPA, and retake GRE if needed to increase your scores (V, Q, W).

2) Asking only the individuals who know you well enough to write strong letters of recommendation for you.

- Many DIs require recommendations from DPD faculty (sometimes even specifically the DI director and/or foodservice management professor) and an internship/work supervisor. Make sure to give your best impression and to do the best possible work you can, so they can sincerely write positively about you in great detail. That way, they truly believe in you, instead of feeling obligated to do so because of their position.

3) Communicate effectively, efficiently and professionally.

- Sound polite and professional throughout all your application materials that you submit to your internships. This can apply to your personal statement, resume, explaining your experiences, as well as your professionalism in social media, your phone voicemail and e-mail address.

- Speak well of your DPD program and experiences; any complaining, gossip and negative stories are not welcomed because they speak poorly of you. It's important to realize that every program/organization has their own quirks and dysfunctions, and even more important to work around them. Focus on improving your outlook on things, and motivate others to do as well!

4) STAND OUT! (don't you wish your application incorporated a hologram video of yourself to STAND OUT? lol yes, me too...)

- Gain volunteer/work experience in a variety of dietetics fields and focus more time on areas you are interested to work in for the future. You want to have experience in different fields (usually clinical, FSM & community), as well as narrow down to a specific area you're most passionate about.

- Become more socially involved on campus and AND through membership to dietetics organizations and membership associations; try your best to gain leadership positions in these organizations.

- Publish and present any research or projects for journals, conferences and poster sessions.

5) UP your odds of getting accepted.

- Make sure you meet all minimum (i.e. GPAs, GRE) requirements and you are okay with all internship costs and living expenses.

- Ratio of applicants to openings: the lower it is, the less competitive it is and easier for you to get in.

- If you are financially capable, apply to more programs and be more open-minded to apply to programs in different geographic regions (California and East Coast (esp. Boston) tend to be more competitive). Read up on their financial aid (i.e. stipends, scholarships, graduate assistantships, Stafford loans eligible) and the general internship schedule and whether or not you think you can handle a part-time job along with the internship. Maybe part-time or distance internships are better options for you.

- Contact program directors of every internship you're applying to so you can introduce yourself, ask for more details about the program that you cannot read on their website (read up their website thoroughly first), and also ask about what you can do to make your application more competitive and stand out from the rest. It's also a good opportunity to get a good feel of the director's personality and willingness to assist potential applicants.

6) Avoid the following:

- Posting embarrassing information on the Internet (i.e. blogs, Facebook); make sure that your entire application and any information the directors can look up on you are professional throughout.

- Criminal behavior (may make you illegible to work in healthcare facilities).

- Never misrepresent or falsify information regarding your education, work experiences or credentials. Be honest! When you look back in the past for things you have done leading up to this point, isn't it comforting to know that you were capable to juggle all of those things independently? Be the real you.

I also felt that Benedictine University's coordinated DI/Master's program posted up some helpful tips (see pg. 87-88) on how to succeed in their program, and I feel that they can apply to all dietetic internships. It's also to good to read them, understand them and practice them pre-dietetic internship phase!

Would you like to share your tips on how you improve your chances on getting matched? :)

Thursday, January 12, 2012

All Access Internships

I am currently going through the DI Bootcamp program through All Access Internships, and I must say, it definitely includes a lot of helpful information through webinars and handouts that they provide. The DI Bootcamp includes good information on brainstorming through internships, how to find your perfect fit internship, how to interact with directors of your interested DI programs, how to write your personal statement and resume, and how to prepare for interviews. The bootcamp also includes two 15 minute phone calls with Jenny for you to answer personal questions about your DI application process. Has anyone else tried the DI Bootcamp, or other services by AAI?

Moreover, the All Access Internships website has free resources open to DI applicants to use as well, such as their internship profile listing, articles and application tips. They are also hosting some free webinars this month, including (this information is pulled from the AAI listserv e-mail):

7 Strategies for a Rocking Resume

Free online presentation by Match Maker Kristen Carlucci, RDdiscussing the 7 key strategies for a rocking resume! We've seen a lot of AVERAGE resumes in our day AND a lot of GREAT resumes. See how to take yours from AVERAGE to GREAT!

When: (TWO TIMES!)
January 11, 2012 at 9:30 PM EST
January 12, 2012 at 9:30 PM EST


No need to register, just go to that link at either scheduled time!

PS There will not be any recordings available, so hope you can make it :)

Top 10 Ways To Impress In a Personal Statement

Free online presentation by Match Maker Katie Hamm, RD discussing the TOP 10 Ways to Impress in a Personal Statement! The #1 problem for internship applicants is WRITER'S BLOCK. Do you have no idea what to write about? Do you feel like you can't sell yourself? See how to take get the creative juices flowing and impress directors one sentence at a time!

When: (TWO TIMES!)
January 18, 2012 at 9:30 PM EST
January 19, 2012 at 9:30 PM EST


No need to register, just go to that link at either scheduled time!

PS There will not be any recordings available, so hope you can make it :)

Interview Prep in 30 Minutes

Free online presentation on "Interview Prep in 30 minutes" hosted on Justin.TV! This live presentation, hosted by Jenny Westerkamp, will feature the must-know interview strategies, so you feel MORE prepared and LESS nervous!

When: (Two times available)
January 24 at 9:30 PM EST
January 26 at 9:30 PM EST


No need to register...just head over to this link above at any of the scheduled times!

PS This will not be recorded, so hope you can make it!

Mark your calendars, especially if you're applying to the February deadline! The resume webinar starts tonight! :)

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Navigate the DI List

The ADA website has a list of accredited Dietetic Internship programs that are organized by states, distance education programs, and graduate degrees (either can offer the graduate degree (in which, you'll have the opportunity to take longer than the length of the program to finish the degree) or a combined DI+Master's program). There are currently 244 programs for you to browse through, and they list the general information (name, address, DI director information, internship website, # internship slots, cost, program length, emphasis, computer matching months).

Unless you are fine with those search criterias, you are going to have to click on each of those 244 links to narrow down your options. I personally think that there should be an advanced search option, where you can choose the focus criteria (general, clinical, community, foodservice management), needs GRE/doesn't need GRE, and most importantly, the GPA criteria (i.e. 2.5-2.9, 3.0-3.5). It would make DI applications so much easier!

There is also the 2011 Applicant Guide to Dietetic Internships available to browse through, and this lists more information than what you can find on their websites, such as how many applicants they had previously and their ranking of priorities of application materials.

Moreover, I found that there were extra programs on the ADA website that were not on the applicant guide and vice versa, and some information on the individual DI program website (i.e. GPA/GRE/interview requirements) that conflict with the applicant guide, so it's very important to cross check information!

So I am formally introducing my navigation through the DI list. It lists the current required GPAs (overall, DPD, science), GRE scores, and misc. (i.e. req. hours of work exp., pre-select for students/employees). Keep in mind that I am not listing closed DI programs (i.e. for WIC employees only & own DPD/graduate students).

Please view the page entitled "Navigate the DI GPA List" and start researching your dietetic internships if you haven't already! :)

Any feedback is welcome and very encouraged.