Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Define Processed

Erin Sund from AND posted a very informative article on defining the types of processed foods we encounter called "Avoiding Processed Foods? Surprise! This is Processed Too!"

It made me realize, yes, that $2.00 bag of spinach you're buying from Trader Joe's? Processed. Bottled water? Processed. Even though we as nutritionists say to avoid processed foods, we ask for and buy convenience. Sure, it's essential to eat vegetables daily, but is it easier to buy pre-packaged and pre-washed veggies or veggies you have to prepare yourself? Depending on how coupon and discount savvy you are, sometimes you can find premade foods even cheaper than when you shop for all the ingredients to make the same recipe. Why would I spend $3.00 on cabbage, red cabbage and carrots, when I can buy the equal portion of coleslaw mix for $1.00? And even if it costs more to buy premade foods, your overall cost might be lower because you are more likely to be motivated to cook at home rather than leave the groceries in your fridge to go bad.

Either way, the most important thing is to choose foods wisely. Choose foods that you are excited to eat, and look at the nutrition fact label for not only the serving size and values, but also the ingredient list. Think of how you can fit these foods in your everyday routine, whether you are buying easy to prepare items or ready to eat foods. I personally find buying the frozen veggie medleys from Trader Joe's very convenient and affordable.

If you realistically want to make sure you stay away from processed foods, you might as well plant your own produce garden. ;) Be sure to invite me for your garden-to-table meals!

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